Often children become stubborn, it is natural for this to happen, which includes children of all ages. Every parent has to face the stubbornness of the child at some point or the other. Parents have to face a lot of problems in raising a stubborn child because stubborn children do not listen to their parents quickly.
Stubbornness can be the result of the child’s emotions, needs. Questions like How to discipline a stubborn child or How to deal with a stubborn child? often bother parents. Because they want to teach their stubborn child discipline and the main purpose of life.
It is very important to teach discipline and love to the child, but teaching discipline does not mean just punishing the child, but the right way to teach discipline is to make the child self-reliant and responsible. Therefore, in this article we have shared important information on the topics How to discipline a stubborn child and How to deal with a stubborn child? and discussed effective ways to discipline a stubborn child.
What is the reason for a child being stubborn.
Often parents have this problem that they do not know how to discipline a stubborn child. In such a situation, first of all understand the reason behind the stubbornness of the child. It is natural for a child to be stubborn. Young and old children are often excited to feel and see new things, which parents often consider as stubbornness. There are many different reasons for stubbornness in young and old children.
Desire for independence
When children grow up, they want to feel freedom and independence. When parents set limits, the child can become stubborn and can behave stubbornly to feel freedom and the child starts being stubborn to get his point across.
Attracting attention
When the child feels that his parents do not value him and do not love him, in such a situation, the child violates every decision of the parents and becomes stubborn and he starts behaving stubbornly to attract attention. This can be a way of expressing his emotional need.
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Emotional imbalance
Emotional imbalance can be the main reason for children becoming stubborn because if parents scold the child, then the child is not able to express his feelings properly and he is not able to express feelings like disappointment, anger, fear, or sadness in words, due to which children start becoming stubborn, they feel that no one gives importance to their feelings.
Family environment
In a family where there is lack of peace and love, that is, there are fights, then the child gets upset and becomes rebellious and stubborn because he wants to feel peace and love in life, but fights are having a deep impact on his life, so he can become stubborn to not listen to his parents.
Excessive pampering or strictness
If the parents let the child do as he pleases and do not stop him and love him more than necessary, then the child becomes stubborn and if the parents put too many restrictions on the child, due to this also the child can get upset and become stubborn.
Ways to discipline stubborn children
Set limits.
The first rule of how to deal with a stubborn child is to set boundaries and clearly tell the child that if he breaks any important rule of the house, he will be punished. Punishment can be of many types like he will not be allowed to play video games for the whole week or his pocket money will be reduced. As a result, the stubborn child will learn to stay within boundaries and will value rules.
Natural consequences
To teach discipline to stubborn children, let them face natural consequences like if he is not doing his homework, let him face scolding from the teacher for a few days. If he spends his pocket money quickly and asks for it again, let him feel the lack of pocket money and do not give it. The rule of how to deal with a stubborn child is that you should listen to the child. By learning these natural consequences, children can learn discipline quickly.
If you are thinking What is the best punishment for a child? So the better solution is that if the child behaves badly or is stubborn in the family then punish him by making him sit quietly for 1 or 2 hours in front of you, this will make him realize his mistakes and he will follow the rules next time because it is difficult for children to sit at one place for long. To avoid punishment, he will think of giving up stubbornness and wrong behavior.
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Listen to them
A better way of how to discipline a stubborn child is to listen to the child, when children are stubborn then there is definitely some reason behind it, try to understand that reason and listen to them, in many situations children become stubborn even when they do not get attention from their parents.
You will have to face the consequences.
If your child is also very stubborn? Then this method of bearing consequences for How to deal with a stubborn child is unique and interesting in which you explain to the child that whatever he does, he will have to face its consequences, for example, if he makes a mess in the house, then he will have to clean that mess. This will make the child understand that his actions have consequences and he has to pay the price for his mistakes. This method will teach him responsibility and discipline.
The rule of compromise in How to deal with a stubborn child is very unique and fun in which if the child is stubborn on any subject, then compromise with him so that he feels that his feelings and opinions are important, due to which a sense of responsibility and cooperation develops in him. For example, if the child wants to play, then ask him “Would you like to do your homework now or after playing?” This will make the child take the decision himself and he will become wise and avoid stubbornness.
Give freedom.
When a child grows up or becomes a teenager, he wants to feel freedom which is natural. So give the child limited freedom according to his age and do not put too many restrictions on him because if too many restrictions are put on his freedom, the child may become stubborn.
Praise him
When the child does something good like speaking to guests with love and respecting them, praise him so that he gets inspired to learn discipline. He gets praised for good discipline, so he will give more importance to discipline.
Avoid discrimination
Treat all your children equally and give them the same punishment. Children become stubborn when they feel discriminated against. The purpose of punishment should not be to torment the child but to guide him in the right direction.
Implement rules consistently
This way children do not get confused due to the rules of the house and learn discipline. When the rules are the same every time, the child understands that the consequences of his wrong behavior will always be the same, so he will learn to follow the rules.
Tell the consequences
The advantage of this is that the child is told about the possible consequences in advance. For example, if the child is playing more than the prescribed time, then explain to him that if he does not do his homework, his performance in school will be poor and he will also get punishment in the class. This makes the child understand the responsibility of his actions and he is alert towards them.
Clear instructions and clear expectations
If you are thinking What is the best punishment for a child? So you should keep in mind that in many situations, children get angry when their parents scold them and due to stubbornness, they do not eat food or talk to their parents.
To avoid such a situation, set clear instructions and expectations which can give you relief. Tell the child what you expect from him like “clean the room”, “keep the dirty clothes away from the cupboard”, “don’t fight with siblings”, “keep the toys in the box, put the books on the shelf” give clear instructions like this, this will let the child know what to do and how to do it.
Show empathy
When the child gets angry or doesn’t listen, talk to him and explain your point of view lovingly and show empathy so that he feels safe. For example, if the child shouts in anger, then say “I understand that you are angry, but shouting in anger is not a good thing”. This will teach the child to stay calm and he will know the importance of discipline.
Control anger
When the child insists on any subject, do not get angry at him and understand the reason for his insistence. It is possible that he has become irritable due to some difficulty or something is bothering him, so avoid anger and understand the feelings of the child.
Fix a time
Children also insist for playing and entertainment, so do not try to crush their feelings. Do not do this, but with discipline, set a time for their play, study and entertainment so that they can give up their stubbornness because parents provide a fixed time to the child for play and entertainment, now the child will not have any excuse to be stubborn on any subject.
Be disciplined yourself
Parents should not argue with the child on any subject because he learns only what he sees and hears. Avoid any kind of negative behavior so that the child does not become stubborn and angry. Children also become stubborn and angry due to the abnormal environment of the house.
Accept your mistakes
Do not make any such promise to the children which you cannot fulfill because by repeatedly breaking promises to the child, the child becomes irritable and stubborn and he stops giving importance to his parents, so do not make any false promise, this weakens the trust of the child towards the parents, so he becomes stubborn to get his wishes fulfilled.
Be patient
If the child insists on any issue in front of relatives or friends, then do not punish him and be patient because being cruel to the child makes him even more stubborn and angry. Let him share his feelings and desires and then give the right response which should include love.
Tips to avoid discipline mistakes
Excessive strictness or negligence
Many parents have this problem that they do not know how to discipline a stubborn child. In such a situation, first of all understand what is the reason for the child’s stubbornness. There can be many reasons for stubbornness. Some parents want to get rid of the child’s habit of being stubborn as soon as possible,
for this they impose more restrictions on the child and start scolding or punishing him for every small mistake. But punishing the child is a wrong decision. If you are thinking What is the best punishment for a child? Then you should understand that threatening or punishing children can create a feeling of fear, security and opposition in children.
Therefore, try to explain to the children by giving correct logic and avoid giving punishment as much as possible and understand their feelings.
There are some parents who do not scold their children and do not set the right limits and they are negligent in teaching discipline to the child, due to which the child becomes stubborn. Ignoring the wrong behavior of children and not criticizing them makes the child stubborn, so it is important to take the right decision at the right time.
In both these topics, how to discipline a stubborn child or how to deal with a stubborn child? It is important to understand the feelings of children and their needs, only then you will be able to understand the right answer to this question how to discipline a stubborn child. For example,
when children get angry, there is definitely some reason for it, so definitely understand the reason for children’s stubbornness, it may be that they have some desire or they are upset due to some reason.
Try to communicate with them openly so that you can understand their feelings and desires. Give love and sympathy to children but also set limits and rules so that the child grows up with discipline.
how to discipline a stubborn child: Psychologist’s suggestion
Parents who think how to discipline a child without yelling or hitting or how to discipline a stubborn child should first understand the psychologist’s suggestion Dr. Carl Ransom Rogers, who was an American psychologist. He has said in his research that to understand and control stubbornness,
a stubborn person needs active listening and empathy. By giving importance to a stubborn person, he should be made to feel that he is important and his decisions and his feelings will be respected,
as a result of which the stubborn person starts giving up stubbornness because his loving parents, family and friends understand him and respect his feelings. But if the situation worsens and stubbornness becomes serious, then it would be appropriate to consult a psychiatrist or counselor. This can help the person to understand and share his feelings in a better way.
“It is a big challenge to handle stubborn children and teach them discipline, so questions like how to discipline a stubborn child or how to deal with a stubborn child? remain a topic of discussion.
Handling a stubborn child is challenging, but with the right method and patience, you can teach discipline to stubborn children too.
The best way to deal with a stubborn child is to treat children with understanding and love so that they can communicate openly with their parents and you can get rid of their stubbornness by understanding their feelings and desires. Remember, every child is different, his ability to think and understand is different, so understanding the child is important.