The relationship between father and child is the sweetest of all the relationships in the world because the love and companionship of the father affects the life of the child and the father always supports the children, whether it is a small smile or big decisions of life, the father always stands with the children. Life is incomplete without a father. These “emotional father quotes” show the importance of a father. And these emotional father quotes also show the feelings of children which are hidden in their hearts. These “Short Emotional Father Quotes” are for those who want to express deep feelings towards their father in few words. And these “Emotional Father Quotes from Daughter” show the love, respect and gratitude of a daughter towards her father from her perspective.
Emotional Father Quotes
“I have never seen him refuse even if his pockets are empty. I have never seen anyone richer than my father.”
“Father’s presence is like the sun. The sun is hot but if he is not present, darkness prevails.”
“Without a mother, the house falls apart but without a father, the whole world falls apart.”
“A father loves but does not say it and by the time his children understand things, a father does not exist.”
“Father is that saint who gives happiness to his children not just for a day but for the whole life.”
“Father is food, clothes and house; father is the big sky for a small bird.”
Whenever you become a father, you will understand why your father used to shout when you came home late at night.
“Anyone can become a hero, but it is very difficult to become a great person like a father by sacrificing your happiness and desires.”
“Father is the only person in the whole world who celebrates his child’s success like his own success.”
“Father is like a Neem tree whose leaves may be bitter but always give a cool shade”
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Emotional Father Quotes
“The luckiest person is the one who has the immense wealth of father’s love.”
I face all the pains of the world with a smile, but whenever I remember you, I am unable to stop the tears in my eyes.
“The one whose love never changes is Papa, The one who never leaves me in bad times is Papa, The one who takes care of me even in his thoughts is Papa, The one who is always ready to sacrifice his heart and soul for every smile on my lips is my Papa.”
The one who knows what is in your heart in a moment, the one who can read everything from your eyes. Whether it is pain or happiness, he knows everything in a moment. Papa is the only one who gives you boundless love.
I feel your presence in every corner of my heart, That pat of your hands on my cheeks, Even when you are far away, it makes me feel that you are near.
He is the torch that shows me the path of my dark life, he is the shield that protects me from the problems of life, my father is an example for me.
“Father is that potter who makes his children good human beings by beating them with his scolding.”
“The fun that I had in swinging on my father’s shoulders is not there in the swings of the park.”
“The moment the conversation started, everyone in the house started sharing their sorrows. Thinking that tomorrow I have to go again to earn two meals, even father started hiding his sorrows.”
“The person who gives new shoes and clothes to his children and himself wears old shoes and clothes and smiles is called a father.”
Emotional Father Quotes
“You are my identity, you are my earth and sky too, Papa.”
“After some time, I realize that everything Papa said was for my good.”
“The person who does not fulfill his own wish despite having money in his pocket while passing through the market is not a miser but a responsible father.”
“No one can fulfill even four days what a father fulfills in his entire life.”
“What is the use of that progress which cannot give comfort to father in old age.”
“As long as your father is with you, no situation can harm you.”
“Father is that shadow which stands with us in every difficulty, without any condition.”
“A father’s love is silent, but its depth is deeper than the ocean.”
“A father is the person who gives wings to his children’s dreams by sacrificing his own dreams, even if he has to forget his own dreams.”
“The inspiration received from father is the strength that gives us the courage to fight every difficulty.”
Know why father is the most important person in a child’s life
Emotional Father Quotes
“The strictness that I used to hate, today I love that. I wish I could get your scolding again today, then I would not have to talk to pictures.”
“The hand that you held and taught me to walk, how did I forget to hold those trembling hands today?”
“Father is the sky, whose shadow gives shade even in sorrow, and in happiness too, father is God’s blessing, which is received even when we fail in life, and also when we succeed.”
“The one who gives courage when we lose courage, shows us the path to success when we fail, makes every moment of sorrow happy, he is none other than my father.”
“The one who taught me to walk by holding my finger in childhood, taught me to fly for my dreams when I grew up, the same father used to express his love secretly, today after becoming a father myself, I have understood the meaning of this invisible love, but I could not explain my love to you, father.”
The world would have destroyed me long ago, if my father had not supported me. That day I understood the love of my tough looking father, The day he went against the whole world and supported me.
“Whenever I did not listen to my father’s lessons, a mountain of troubles fell on me, when everyone refused to support me, Then it was my father’s trembling hands that supported me.”
“Whenever the taunts of the world tried to bring me down, My father’s strong hands held my hand.”
“Sometimes anger, sometimes love, this is the identity of father’s love.”
“You can buy everything in this selfish world, but from where will you buy father’s selfless love.”
Emotional Father Quotes
“A child’s life without a father is like the sky without stars.”
“Father is the earth that protects us from falling, and he is the sky that teaches us to fly.”
“A father’s love never speaks, but is felt every moment.”
“Father is the strong wall that tries to keep children safe in every storm.”
“Life is incomplete without a father, because he is the identity of our existence and our strength.”
“Father’s love is the foundation on which the palace of our dreams stands.”
“Father is a true friend on whom we can always rely.”
“My father gave me the right to dream, only because of him I was able to see the future.”
“Ordinary fathers have patience. Good fathers have more patience. Great fathers have an ocean of patience.
“He is the wisest father in the world who knows the feelings and needs of his child.
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Emotional Father Quotes
“It is only Papa who used to turn into an elephant or a horse to make us laugh in our childhood.”
Not even a moment is bearable without him. Father is our companion, father is our support, father is our bundle of joy.
“A father never really leaves his son, no matter how badly he behaves sometimes or how foolish decisions he takes. He tries to help his son but some sons leave their father alone.” “A father’s love and fear are invisible, fathers do not express love but they always remain a strong pillar to care for the child.
Behind every great daughter is hidden a wonderful father.
A father holds his daughter’s hand for a while, but he holds her heart forever.
A daughter needs a standard from her father, by which she can judge all men.
I am a princess not because I have a prince, but because my father is a king.
“Father is the shadow that protects children in every storm, his presence is our strength.”
“Father’s love never speaks, but in his every silence is hidden love for children.”
“Father is the tree of a child’s life whose roots give life to the child, and the branches give courage to touch the sky.”
Emotional Father Quotes
“A child’s life is incomplete without a father, the father’s lap is the child’s first school.”
“Father’s love is the energy that gives children the strength to fight every difficulty.”
“Father is the light that removes every darkness from a child’s life.”
“It is difficult to fulfill dreams without a father because father teaches children to fly.”
“Father’s love is selfless, he always loves us selflessly without taking anything in return.”
“Father is the rock that holds the child in every difficulty.”
“Father’s tears are never visible, but sacrifice for us is hidden in his every smile.”
“Father is the pole star that shows us the right direction in the ocean of life.”
“The child is unable to feel the love and support of the father, but he is present with the child every moment.”
“The relationship between father and child is a bond that never breaks, it just gets stronger.”
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Emotional Father Quotes
“Life without father is like an empty book, which has no pictures and stories.”
“Father is that companion of life, who holds our hand in every difficulty.”
“The hope received from father is the medicine and the biggest strength to make the child’s life successful.”
“Father is that lamp, which burns itself to give light to the child’s life.”
“Father is like that tree, in whose shade we feel safe.”
“Father is the foundation, on which the house of our dreams is built and our life rests.”
“Life without father is like that song, which has no tune.”
“Father’s love never ends even after his departure, it always stays with us like a wind.”
“Life without father is like a sky, which has no stars.”
Father is that person who sacrifices his own wishes and gives importance to the wishes of children and remains happy in their happiness.
Emotional Father Quotes
Father is the warrior who protects the child’s life and never leaves his child alone.
“Father’s love is invisible, it can never be seen, but it can be felt every moment.”
“Father is that shadow, who is with us in every difficulty.”
“Life without father is like a blank canvas in which there is no hope of seeing any destination.”
“Father is that pen, who writes the story of the child’s life.”
“Father is that support, who handles us in every difficulty.”
“Father is the foundation on which our life rests because he gives us emotional mental support.”
“Life without father is like a sky, in which there is no star (happiness).”
“Father is that lamp, who lights up our life.”
“Father is the companion of our life, who holds our hand in every difficulty.
“Father is the sunshine, who removes every darkness from our life.”
“The person who has made his life colorless to fill my life with colors, is my father.”
“My father is the person who has the courage to fight the world for my happiness.”
The one who has kept me safe from every sorrow by bearing every pain himself, is my father.
What will you do by doing Puja-Kirtan in the house, when you have left God in the old age home.
Emotional Father Quotes from Daughter
“Everyone loves and the one who loves without showing it is my father.”
“The most beautiful moment of life is when someone says, “I know your father is a very good person.”
“No one in this world can love a girl more than her father.”
A father’s tears and fears are invisible, his love is unexpressed, but his care and protection remain as a pillar of strength throughout our lives.
“I may have found my prince, but my father will always be my king.”
“No gift given to your father can equal his kindness and love.”
“She did not stand alone, but what stood behind her, the most powerful moral force in her life, was her father’s love.”
“My mother gave me my inspiration, but my father gave me my dreams.”
“A father’s job is not to teach his daughter how to be a woman. It is to teach him how a woman should be treated.”
“A father holds his daughter’s hand for a little while, but he holds her heart forever.”
Emotional Father Quotes from Daughter
“My daughter has no daddy issues. But I guarantee her boyfriend will.”
“There’s a girl who stole my heart, and she calls me ‘Daddy.'”
“Behind every great daughter is an amazing father.”
“Go ahead, take over this whole world. But to me you’ll always be my little girl.”
“I want to hold you, protect you from all the things I’ve already been through. And I want to show you, show you all the things this life has in store for you. And I will always love you, the way a father should love his daughter.”
“There is a special bond between fathers and daughters. She is always daddy’s little girl.
“My father taught me to value myself.”
“When I come home, my daughter runs to the door and hugs me, and I forget everything that happened that day.”
“The happiest moment of my life was probably when my daughter was born.”
“My life is a fairy tale because it revolves around a princess my beautiful daughter.”
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Emotional Father Quotes from Daughter
“A man’s daughter is his heart. Just legs, walking through the world.”
“I don’t have to get ready to be wrapped around my daughter’s finger. I’ve been wrapped around her little finger since the day she came into this world.”
“When my daughter says, ‘Daddy, I need you!’ I wonder if she knows I need her a billion times more.”
“My best smiles are probably when I’m holding my daughter.”
“I love my dad like the stars – he’s a bright shining example and a happy sparkle in my heart.”
“My father believed in me, even when I didn’t. He always knew I could do it.”
“They don’t make men like my daddy anymore.” – Loretta Lynn, “They Don’t Make Men Like My Daddy”
“The love in my father’s heart is my greatest refuge.”
“A father’s love is a lighthouse that guides his daughter through the storms of life.”
“For my father, I have always been his little girl, no matter the distance.”
“I have found my safest refuge in my father’s arms.”
“His guidance was a roadmap for me that shaped my future.”
“The one who taught me to dream, reach for the stars, face fears is my father.”