14 Amazing Tips on How To Be A Better Father To My Son

How To Be A Better Father To My Son
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Often fathers have a question in their mind that how to be a better father to my son because most fathers want to be responsible and better. Good parenting is a challenging task because it is necessary to maintain a good relationship with the child and the right rules. At present,

it is very important to have knowledge of right parenting because often due to work pressure and busy schedule, the distance between son and father starts increasing, but in this article we will tell you how to be a better father to my son. You will get answers to many of your doubts in this article.

How To Be A Better Father To My Son And Importance Of Father

How To Be A Better Father To My Son
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For the upbringing of children, it is very important for the parents to be good because they create a better environment at home for the children, but it is especially important for the father to be good and responsible because the father is the person who takes the responsibility of the whole house and takes care of everyone.

Fathers often try to earn more for the children so that they can improve their future, but during this time they are not able to give time to their children and the relationship between the children and the father starts deteriorating or is not as good as it should be.

Being a father is a unique feeling. Fathers work hard for the children without caring for themselves and try to keep them happy, but if you want to know how to be a better father to my son, then you need some of the following suggestions, so that you can definitely become a better father.

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Respect Your Children’s Mother

How To Be A Better Father To My Son
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If you want to be a good father, then first of all you have to respect the mother of your children because if you do not respect their mother, then it spoils the image of the father in the children because it is true that children always love their mother more than their father.

because she has given birth to them and the mother also loves her children very much, so if you want to know how to be a better father to my son,

then you should always respect the mother of your children because children love their mother more than their father because the mother of the child spends more time with him than the father, so she is closer to the child.

Do not give Unreasonable Expectations

How To Be A Better Father To My Son
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Never give unreasonable expectations to your children, like if you cannot take them on a trip this week, then do not give them false expectations because if you are unable to fulfill your promise,

then it creates an image of an irresponsible father in the mind of the children and they stop having expectations from their father, whereas this should not happen because a good father always keeps his promises, only then the children also love their father.

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Do not put Pressure on Children

Do not put pressure on the child to perform very well in any work because doing so can make him depressed and if good results are not obtained then the matter can become serious. After some time he will feel that his father had pressurized him too much due to which he became a victim of depression. Give him a purpose according to his capability and always be with him,

keep encouraging him and tell him that I love you because this is very beneficial in the topic of how to be a better father to my son because it increases the self-confidence of the child and he becomes closer to his father and tries to understand the feelings of the father.

Time for Son

How To Be A Better Father To My Son
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Due to many circumstances, fathers become more busy in their work but children do not care about what your position is in your company and how many responsibilities you have, they just want to spend time with you, so make sure that you spend at least one hour with your children daily, this time can be even after coming back from work,

you can sit with them and get their homework done or you can sit with them and have food, which will make the children feel that their father is responsible and he loves them.

When it is weekend, go to some nice place with the children so that they feel happy and they can spend good time with you. This will strengthen the bonding between the child and the father and the communication will also be good.

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Be Equal

How To Be A Better Father To My Son
Image: freepik

If you have more than one child, then you have to take care that in such a situation, treat the children equally and do not discriminate against anyone. If the child feels that he is being discriminated against, then he loses his attachment towards the parents and starts trying to get away from them.

But if you want to know how to be a better father to my son, then you should always treat all your children equally and hug them and love them. This will make them feel that you love them and you understand their feelings. Children need a lot of love from their parents because this gives them confidence. Following are some important measures by which you can treat children equally and avoid discrimination

  • Love all children equally, do not love one child more than another.
  • Avoid comparison and do not compare the good of one child with that of others or your own child, this weakens the self-confidence of children.
  • If children argue on any topic, then you should take an unbiased decision and listen to the children completely.
  • Giving equal opportunity means that you should give equal opportunity to every child in sports, do not do such that no one is given an opportunity or you are giving opportunities to someone repeatedly.
  • Do not give special privileges to only one child or give more facilities than others, this can give birth to jealousy in the mind of other children and they can become hostile, due to which the relationship between the child and the family can deteriorate.
  • Respect the choice of every child and do not stop them from doing their favourite activities which are good and do the same with other children.
  • Maintain positive communication and talk to all children in an equal manner. Do not scold anyone less or more.

Listen First, Talk Second

How To Be A Better Father To My Son
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When children want to tell you something, keep in mind that they have many kinds of questions in their minds. So whenever your children talk to you, listen to them completely because children do not like anyone stopping them before they finish talking. So always listen to the children completely and after listening to the whole thing, present your opinion. Present the opinion in such a way that the child feels good.

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Be A Role Model

If you want to know how to be a better father to my son, then you have to become such a role model for your son that there is no deficiency of any kind like family problems, smoking, drinking, bad habits,

carelessness etc. You have to remove all these habits from yourself so that your son learns from you. When your son will see that you are different from other fathers and your habits are very good, then your son will consider you as his ideal and will always respect you.

Eat Together As A Family

How To Be A Better Father To My Son
Image: freepik

According to a research, it has been found that if the family members sit together and eat food, then it strengthens the mutual relationship, so you should sit with your family and eat food so that the children feel good and you can also spend time with them, which will strengthen your relationship with the children.

Read To Your Children

You should try to understand your child as much as possible so that there is no sorrow of any kind in his life. You should also understand what your child likes and what he does not like so that you can take future decisions for him keeping those things in mind and make his future bright.

Show Affection

How To Be A Better Father To My Son
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It is true that children are more attached to their mothers but only when they are small. As they grow up, they expect entertainment, unique adventures and unique learning from their fathers because they are growing mentally and their ability to think and understand develops, so they want to experience unique experiences of life.

Children are sometimes shy that they do not express their love to their fathers, but a good father should show affection to his children, love them, understand their feelings and give them good advice. Children need a father’s love very much, so do not deprive them of your love.

Do not Shout at Children

Many fathers start shouting at their children for their mistakes but doing so is a big mistake because being harsh on children makes them harsh and they repeat those mistakes again and again.

If the father explains the harm caused to the children on their mistakes and teaches them in a better way not to make mistakes, then they will be more attached to their father. Therefore, one should not shout at the children because doing so can spoil the relationship between father and children.

They Should be Afraid And Love you

How To Be A Better Father To My Son
Image: freepik

If you always follow the rules in front of your children and remain a better father, then they will be afraid of doing disrespectful activities in front of you. And it is important for a father that his child is afraid of him. This fear is of a different kind.

It has love as well as fear. He thinks that his father will not like his actions. Therefore, the child avoids doing wrong things. But only if the father is a follower of discipline, will the children have this worry. Therefore, it is important that the father remains disciplined.

Accept your mistakes

If you ever get angry at the mother and children by mistake or make any mistake in the family, then do not become arrogant and accept your mistake in a short time so that love and discipline remains in your family. If you accept your mistakes, then it will have a good effect on the children as well because they will learn to accept their mistakes and also learn to correct their mistakes, which is very important for human development.

Be alert About Changing Times

How To Be A Better Father To My Son
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With time, we do not know when children grow up, but it is the duty of a good father to always keep an eye on the child and not put too many restrictions on him because when children start growing up, they want to feel freedom and they want to make themselves self-reliant,

in which process they get used to some wrong things, but keep in mind that all these things are a part of nature, so do not punish the children too much for any of their actions and try to explain to them as much as possible what is right and what is wrong. This is the duty of a good father.

Children often make many mistakes during adolescence because this is the age when a child leaves his childhood and participates in the process of becoming a better human being. He feels and knows the unique experiences of life.

During this process, parents need to be more concerned. It is important that you know how to be a better father to my son and how bad habits are harmful for him. You should note that if a child gets any bad habit at this age, then it becomes a part of life.

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Conclusion: How To Be A Better Father To My Son

We have given you many suggestions regarding this question how to be a better father to my son and advised you to become a better father, but in the process of becoming better, you should consider some important things that you should take help from your wife in this process and understand the feelings of the child and make a difference between work and children so that you can spend good time with your children. In this way you can become a better father.

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