19 Tips For How To Be A Good Father To My Teenage Daughter

How To Be A Good Father To My Teenage Daughter
Image: freepik

Many fathers want to be responsible and better fathers of their teenage daughters, so they want to know how to be a good father to my teenage daughter. In this process, fathers have to keep in mind some important points which are mentioned in the following article, which will help you to know how to be a good father to my teenage daughter.

How To Be A Good Father To My Teenage Daughter

Keep an open dialogue

How To Be A Good Father To My Teenage Daughter
Image: freepik

Due to the physical changes in children during adolescence, they feel uncomfortable and do not like to talk much to anyone. Especially girls are surprised due to physical changes and they need the help of their parents, but they are shy to speak.

Therefore, you have to take care to have an open dialogue with your daughter and assure her that you will give her good advice and you care for her. You assure her that if she tells you something, you will understand her. Whatever the matter is, you have to try to understand it and only after that take any decision.

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Be a role model

When the daughter is in her teens, a father should always be careful in front of her because if the father is not of a good nature during this time period, then it has a bad impact on the daughter because if her father is good,

then she will look for the qualities of her father in her future husband and she will choose a good life partner. But if her father is not good, then she will not expect a good husband in life and thus she will never look for a good husband.

It is possible that this may create a big problem in her life, so if you want to know how to be a good father to my teenage daughter, then you have to keep some things in mind so that your daughter can start considering you as her ideal.

  • Follow honesty and morality
  • Behave respectfully with your daughter
  • Respect your daughter’s mother and other women
  • Fulfill your promises
  • Do not give up on hard work and teach your daughter the importance of hard work
  • Display restraint and patience
  • Adopt a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle
  • Show the importance of time management
  • Inspire the daughter to become self-reliant
  • Be fair, just and kind
  • Spend quality time with the family
  • Try to be positive in every situation
  • Give importance to the daughter’s thoughts and feelings
  • Always be ready to learn and teach new things
  • Accept mistakes and learn from them, teach the same to children
  • Teach the daughter the qualities of self-defense and self-reliance
  • Give priority to the daughter’s career and education.

Be careful

When daughters are in adolescence, during this time the father should be careful with the daughters because they feel the unique experiences of life and feel embarrassed due to the changing physical shape. During this time, the father has to take care that the daughters do not treat them like childhood, now they are growing up. You should keep these things in mind on this topic how to be a good father to my teenage daughter.

  • Do not behave like childhood, now the daughter is growing up, keep this in mind. Respect your daughter’s privacy and don’t go into her room or knock on the door before going in.
  • Avoid scolding or interrupting your daughter in front of others as this can create a big problem.
  • Do not make unusual comments about your daughter’s clothes or looks.
  • Do not ignore your daughter’s problems, listen to her carefully and explain the solution to her with love.
  • Avoid being too restrictive, let her realize her responsibilities herself, only then will she become self-reliant.

Set boundaries

It is the duty of a good father to love his daughter and respect her feelings, but it is also the duty of a good father to set boundaries so that the daughter never hurts her father’s feelings and does not do anything that her father does not like, so it is important to always criticize some things like drinking, smoking etc. so that your daughter never falls into these habits.

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Protect From Bad Habits

When daughters are in adolescence, it is possible that they may get addicted to bad habits due to bad company, so it is the duty of a good father to contact the daughter’s friends, tell your daughter about the characteristics of good and bad friends and also tell her its advantages and disadvantages so that she can choose a good friend and avoid bad habits. You should know how to be a good father to my teenage daughter, so you have to save your daughter from these following bad habits.

  • Tell her to avoid falling into bad company
  • Tell her not to get too close to unknown people
  • Tell her ways to avoid any addiction to alcohol, smoking or drugs and completely boycott these bad habits.
  • Teach your daughter not to take inappropriate decisions in anger and aggression, this can be harmful because taking a decision without thinking is not a good thing.
  • Tell her to stay away from the habit of lying and hiding things
  • Tell your daughter not to share her personal information with anyone without thinking
  • It is not safe to stay out late at night or go alone to unsafe places
  • Unnecessary expenses and financial negligence can cause great harm in the future.
  • Do not take your studies and career lightly because these will decide your future.

Increase self-confidence

When your daughter succeeds in any small or big task, celebrate the happiness with her and make her feel that she has done a great job so that she tries to achieve even bigger success in life. If she fails in any task, forget her failure and teach her how to ignore failure in life so that success can be achieved in life. Teach her that success is always celebrated and hard work is done again by forgetting failure so that she gets used to trying again after failure and achieving success.

Develop the habit of listening

When girls are in their teens, parents have to pay more attention to them. There are many situations when girls are shy to speak to their parents, but they also speak with courage, so you have to pay attention that if you want to be a good father, then you have to develop the habit of listening to your daughter and understanding her.

When she is done speaking, then you have to express your thoughts. If you start getting angry at your daughter even before the conversation is over, then this act will prevent you from becoming a good father because a good father often listens to his daughter and only then takes a decision.

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Lack of love

When daughters are small, fathers often love them a lot and also hug them, but when they are in their teens, doing this makes the father feel insulted because due to the changing physical changes of the daughter, the father has to be careful,

which is also necessary, but keeping a complete distance from the daughter in matters of love can hurt her and her feelings. So instead of hugging her, when she does something good or makes you happy,

you can pat her on the back. Just like a father pats his son on the back, this will create a good bond between you and your daughter. The daughter will never feel that her father has stopped loving her.

Do not criticize

If the daughter commits a mistake, explain to her the consequences of that mistake and forgive her small mistakes. Keep in mind that never repeat her mistakes in front of her. Doing this makes the children feel guilty and they can suffer mentally. If the child commits a mistake, explain to him and show him the right path. This is the duty of the parents.


When daughters are in adolescence, they want to feel more independent so that they can understand life in a better way, so parents should take care not to put too many restrictions on them because doing so can spoil the relationship between parents and children. Respect their personal thoughts and wishes, if they are wrong then you can show them the right path but do not criticize them completely.

Give time to daughter

During adolescence, daughters need more love from parents because they feel the unique experiences of life, so if you want to be a good father, then you should spend quality time with your daughter, which can include watching movies, playing outdoor games and watching football matches, which can make them happy and give them a good experience, so that you can become a good father to them and you will also be happy with this.

Identify interests

During adolescence, children undergo physical and mental changes. During this time, we come to know about the unique qualities of children. Every child has some quality or the other. Therefore, when they want to do some work well,

do not stop them because if you stop them from doing any good work, they may get mentally disturbed and they will not be able to take big decisions in life and will never be able to become self-reliant. Respect their dreams and understand their interests. Encourage them to perform better in life.

Provide security

When daughters are in adolescence, people often look at them carefully because the changing shape of their body is the reason for this. But the father should make them feel safe at home and as much as possible and give them a safe environment so that they can grow well and also develop mentally. If you want to know how to be a good father to my teenage daughter, then you should understand the following suggestions which are necessary for the safety of the daughter.

  • Win the trust of the daughter so that she does not hide any of her problems from you and tells you without hesitation.
  • Teach your daughter that no one else has the right to touch her body. Explain to your daughter about good touch and bad touch.
  • Teach her basic techniques for self-defense and if possible, get her trained in Karate or martial arts so that she can defend herself.
  • If your daughter goes somewhere at night, get complete information about that place and also ask for the location.
  • Advise her to stay away from unknown people. This is necessary for her safety.
  • Be familiar with your daughter’s friends and their families so that your daughter remains safe.
  • It is also important to give your daughter information about women’s legal rights and helpline numbers so that she can keep herself safe.

Develop technical understanding

In this fast developing world, social media is also developing rapidly, which has many advantages and disadvantages. Keep in mind that in this world, there is evil along with good, so you have to keep an eye on your daughter’s social media accounts and also give her knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of social media so that she uses social media only during work and focuses on the goals of her life.

Respect emotions

When daughters are in adolescence, parents should talk to them lovingly because they get angry very quickly and they also start crying very quickly because they are feeling unique feelings in themselves for the first time in life, so parents should love their daughter more during this time period and assure her that you love her, you should try to understand her problems so that she can feel safe.

Accept mistakes

If you ever get angry at your daughter by mistake and get angry with her, then definitely apologize to her and accept your mistake so that you can become a good father to her. If you learn to accept your mistakes,

then she will also learn to accept any mistake she makes in life, which is a good habit. You should teach her how to correct mistakes and accepting mistakes is not cowardice but the identity of a better person so that she never feels humiliated in accepting her mistake.

Try to become a friend

During adolescence, parents should treat their children like good friends. During adolescence, parents should also try to become friends of their children. Even though you are their parents,

you should share everything with them and ask them about their life and take interest in their words so that they like it and they do not hide anything from you and share everything with you so that you can understand their life in a better way and take better decisions for them so that they feel better.

Share things

When daughters are in adolescence, they start worrying about the future because during that time their education has reached a higher level, so it is the duty of a good father to make plans for his daughter’s better future and discuss with her so that she can also think about herself in a better way and achieve success in life.

Importance of health

Tell your daughter the benefits of staying healthy and also tell her tips and tricks to stay healthy so that she can keep herself fit. Tell her the benefits of physical and mental health so that she can take care of herself in a better way.

How To Be A Good Father To My Teenage Daughter: Conclusion

You should know this better that if you want to know how to be a good father to my teenage daughter, then you will have to become a good father to your daughter and understand her feelings, life, happiness and difficulties, only then you will be able to become a better father.

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