Potty Training in Just 3 Days – Is It Really Possible?

potty training
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It is very important for every child to take potty training and it is also the first step of his life to become self-reliant because he has to learn to handle his own responsibility, but some parents have many problems in giving potty training to children, that is why in this article we have given you detailed information related to potty training, with the help of which you can get answers to many problems related to potty training.

What is potty training

Potty training is a process in which children are taught to use the toilet themselves and are also taught to do potty on their own so that they can remain clean even without parents and do not have to be completely dependent on parents, this keeps the child clean and also learns to handle his responsibility, this is such a developmental stage in which the child learns to go to the toilet by himself by leaving the diaper and he stops depending on the diaper.

Why is potty training important?

Hygiene and Health

If the child is trained to potty at the right time, then the child learns to keep himself clean and remains more hygienic. Apart from this, the child stops depending on diapers, as a result of which one gets relief from allergies caused by wearing diapers for a long time and the risk of many diseases is also averted. Following are some important benefits of potty training the child.

Self-reliance increases

When the child learns to potty himself and learns to go to the toilet on his own, then he starts becoming self-reliant and does not always depend on the parents, due to which the parents also get some relief because the child can now do his own work.

Convenience for the family

When the child learns to potty, then the parents do not have to spend money to buy diapers and this saves their money as well as the time of going to buy diapers. The child also remains clean, so if the child learns to potty, it can be beneficial for the parents in many ways.

Beneficial for the environment

If the child has not learnt to potty, then buying diapers for him daily also costs money and the use of more diapers also affects the hygiene of the child and it also pollutes the environment because it takes many years for a diaper to get mixed in the soil.

The right age to start potty training

Most children depend on diapers till the age of 18 to 24 months because they are not able to show the signs of potty and are also unable to walk or sit properly, so they are not ready for potty training. Children between 2.5 to 3 years start becoming sensible with time. You have to be patient and understand the activities and energy of the child. If he gets irritated in wearing diapers or feels uncomfortable in diapers, then you can start potty training your child.

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Signs of being ready for potty training

Diaper staying dry for a long time

If the child’s diaper stays dry for a long time, then this shows that the child’s bladder control (ability to control pee or poop) is increasing, which shows that the child is getting ready for potty training.

Regular bowel movement habit

If the child defecates at the same time every day and gives some kind of signal to the mother or father before defecating, then you should start potty training the child because now he is becoming capable of pottying on his own.

Muscle capacity

If the child takes off or wears his pants himself and gets up or sits or goes to the toilet on his own and also comes back, this shows that the child’s muscles are growing and your child is ready for potty training.

Being able to sit and stand

If the child is learning to sit and stand by getting up from one place and going to another, then you should give potty training to the child during this time because he can also be able to sit on the toilet seat if he is able to sit and stand, so that the child can learn potty training quickly.

Being irritable when the diaper is wet or dirty

If the child starts getting angry and becomes more irritable when the diaper is wet or dirty, then you should give potty training to the child because he wants to feel more clean, which is possible only when he learns potty training and learns to potty himself so that he can remain more clean.

Stooling secretly or in solitude

Often when small children start being able to walk, they start imitating their parents. If your child imitates defecating secretly or in solitude, then you should try to give potty training to your child because now he is taking interest in this process and he can learn quickly.

Telling by speaking or by gestures

Sometimes it happens that the child himself starts saying some things. If the child insists on going to the toilet and tries to tell you before defecating, then you should give potty training to the child.

Difference between potty training of boys and girls

Potty training is an important part of every child’s life which he learns from his parents in childhood, but learning potty training becomes a difficult task for many children because everyone’s ability is different. On this subject, you should know what is the difference between potty training of boys and girls and how girls do potty training faster than boys.

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Potty training of girls

  • Girls are taught to do toilet sitting from the very beginning, due to which when they grow up a little, they do not face much difficulty in doing potty training because they know how to sit in the potty pose.
  • The muscles related to bladder and bowel control of girls develop faster than boys, so they get ready for potty training faster and also learn quickly.
  • Most girls completely follow the instructions of their parents in childhood, so they learn every task quickly and they are also able to imitate their parents, that is why they learn quickly.
  • Girls are more cautious about hygiene and cleanliness than boys, so they are more eager to use the toilet.
  • An important thing is that parents are generally more cautious about girls, so they start potty training girls early.

Potty training of boys

  • Boys are more naughty in childhood because they have more energy than girls, so they do not listen to their parents easily, so boys take more time in potty training.
  • The bladder control of boys develops more time than girls, so it takes them time to use the toilet, so they also take time in potty training.
  • In childhood, boys have less attention span in any work, due to which they may be unable to learn the process of potty training quickly.
  • The size of the urethra of boys is longer, which boys have to learn to control, which is a little difficult for them in the beginning, so potty training also takes time.
  • Some parents do not consider it necessary to give potty training to boys early, they think that the child will learn with time, that is why boys learn potty training late as compared to girls.

When is the best time to give potty training to a child?

There are many times to give potty training to children, but parents also have to keep in mind that the child should not be feeling lazy at that time and he should not feel irritable during potty training. The child should have energy. For this, there are some main times when you can give potty training to children.

  • Morning time is better because at this time the child feels more energy and is happy. It would be good to give potty training in the morning.
  • Small children often do potty after eating food because there is no fixed time for them to do potty and their food is also digested quickly, so they may feel like potty after lunch, you can give potty training during this time also.
  • You can potty train your child after dinner. This is the time when the child is sleeping and he wants to feel light, so it will be better to potty train him, which will also make him feel light.
  • Choose a time when the atmosphere of the house is calm, at that time you can potty train your child because noise can distract the child from potty training.
  • If you train your child and also make him wear a diaper, then when the child starts removing the diaper or tries to take it off, it shows that the child is showing signs of potty training.

3-day potty training method

Research shows that 40% to 60% children have completed potty training by the age of 3 years, which is a unique thing, so you should also motivate your child for potty training but do not force him because the learning ability of all children is different. There are many children who complete potty training after the age of 3 years, so this is not a matter of concern in any way. Dr. Brown says that when the child starts indicating that he is now ready for potty training, then parents should try the 3 day potty training method because children learn potty training quickly with this.

Explanation of 3-Day Potty Training

The 3-Day Potty Training Method was started by an author and parenting expert named Lora Jensen. Who published her book “3-Day Potty Training” in 2004 in which she has fully explained the 3-Day Potty Training method. You should know that the sole aim of the 3-day potty training method is to make the child completely dependent on using the toilet by giving up diapers so that he learns to use the toilet and stay clean. This method is based on discipline, consistency and positive reinforcement, as a result of which the child quickly completes potty training and learns to go to the toilet and also learns to potty on his own.

Basic Principles of 3-Day Potty Training

There are some basic principles of this method due to which the 3-day potty training method is given more importance because with their help the child is able to succeed in 3-day potty training quickly.

Give up diapers: Avoid diapers during the 3-day potty training method. Try to make your child wear underwear most of the time so that he understands that he has to go to the toilet when he needs to potty and does not have to dirty his underwear.

Give opportunities to go to the toilet: Give the child more water to drink so that he goes to the toilet more times a day. This will give him the opportunity to learn how to use the toilet.

Positive motivation: When the child goes to potty on his own, encourage him and praise him so that he potties on his own next time to get your praise. Small children love to hear praise from their parents, which makes them feel happy. If you praise the child, he will be motivated to do that work again. You can also give him a gift which will make him feel good.

Accepting mistakes: During potty training, the child can make some common mistakes like not using the potty at the right place and many such mistakes but you should not scold your child for his mistakes but instead be patient and give him a chance to learn from his mistakes. Explain his mistake to the child lovingly. This way the child will not make that mistake next time and will try to get the praise of his parents.

Be active: When the child wakes up in the morning and when he goes to sleep at night, you have to make him potty. During this time, you can tell him the basics of potty training which will make it easier for him to learn potty training and he will learn to correct his mistakes.

3-Day Potty Training Plan

Day 1: Initial understanding and practice

  1. When the child wakes up on the first day, first of all remove his diaper and make him wear underwear and tell him that now he does not have to potty in underwear, whenever he needs to potty, he has to take me with him to the toilet.
  2. Take the child to the toilet and explain to him the use of the toilet and also tell him some basic things like how to sit on the toilet seat properly, how to get up, how to wash hands, how to flush etc. The child may find it unusual to use the toilet on the first day, so try to go with him every time so that he does not feel insecure.
  3. On the first day, give the child more water items to drink like fruit juice or water etc. so that the child goes to the toilet more often and learns to use it.
  4. On the first day, when the child potties in the toilet as per your instructions, praise him and reward him with his favourite juice so that he uses the toilet more often (you can also give other rewards, juice is not necessary, the only aim is to teach the child to use the toilet).
  5. If the child is not able to potty as per your instructions, do not get angry, but explain to him and give him a chance to learn so that he can learn from his mistake.

2 day: Day of awareness and self-reliance

  1. On the second day, the child will have understood the importance of the toilet and now he also knows what is the use of the toilet, so he will go to the toilet when he feels like potty, which is a good thing.
  2. After the child has finished eating, ask him a little while later if he wants to go to the toilet, if he says yes, then take him to the toilet and sing good toilet music for his entertainment so that the child feels good. If the child does not feel like potty, do not force him to go to the toilet. If the child accidentally potties in his underwear on the second day, do not get angry at him because you cannot expect the child to do a perfect job every time. Clean the child and motivate him to go to the toilet next time and make him realize that he should have gone to the toilet, so that the child understands his mistake.
  3. Play with the child and spend quality time with him. Ask him from time to time if he wants to go to the toilet. If the child says yes, then take him to the toilet.

3 day: Day of self-reliance

  1. By the third day, the child will learn to use the toilet and now whenever he feels like pottying, he will ask you to go to the toilet with him.
  2. Now your child will have developed the habit of going to the toilet before sleeping at night so that he does not toilet in his underwear at night.
  3. By the third day, most children are able to potty properly. If your child still makes mistakes, then be patient and let him learn from his mistakes.

Is it really effective?

Yes, this is a really effective method with the help of which lakhs of children learn potty training every year, but the learning capacity of each child is different, so some children may take more than 3 days, but their potty training can start well during this time. The following suggestions can help in understanding which children complete potty training early and which late.

Children who complete training early

  • The child should be at least 18 to 24 months old and is showing signs of toilet training. This 3-day potty training plan can work on this child.
  • If the child is able to understand the instructions of the parents and obeys them, then it is also beneficial for such a child.
  • It is beneficial for the child whose parents are serious about giving him potty training. Careless parents may have problems because in this 3-day potty training plan, the parents will have to take more care of the child because after this the child learns to potty on his own.
  • This method is beneficial for those parents who are ready to understand the mistakes of the child and are ready to give the child a chance.

Children who complete training late

  • If the child does not show any interest in going to the toilet and gets angry when the parents ask, then this is not beneficial for such children and it may take time for the child to learn because this 3-day potty training plan is only for 3 days, after which the child learns to follow the rules on his own, but to learn this, it is also important for the child to remain disciplined.
  • For children whose parents cannot pay full attention to the child even for just 3 days, it may take time for such parents to learn this process because when the child takes the 3-day potty training, the presence of his parents is necessary.
  • For children who are not ready to make new changes like leaving diapers and wearing underwear, this process may be difficult and may take more time.

What to do if potty training is not working?

If potty training does not have any effect on the child and it does not work then you should not panic because this is a normal thing. Every child has different thinking and understanding capacity. You have to start potty training again after some time, like after a week.

You should try not to give potty training to the child until he shows you signs of learning potty training because this can be a difficult task for you too. If the child is not interested in potty training then first motivate the child for potty training but if the child is not ready for potty training then you should wait for the signs of potty training of the child which are mentioned in the appropriate article.

What to do if the child is afraid of potty training

This is a normal thing for every child because all children are afraid of potty training in the beginning. There are many reasons for this such as the toilet seat being large or being afraid of the sound of the flush or feeling insecure in the toilet etc. For this, you should try some measures such as

  • Decorate the toilet seat with stickers for the child so that he stops being afraid and considers it a place of entertainment
  • Give the child his favorite toys while pottying on the toilet seat so that he does not feel insecure in any way.
  • If the toilet seat is large, then buy a small toilet seat for the child which can be placed on top of your toilet on which the child can sit and potty because often children are afraid of sitting on a large toilet seat.
  • When the child potties, do not leave him alone because children feel that someone will lock them in the toilet, this is their unique fear, so be present with them and keep guiding them.


Giving potty training to children not only makes the child self-reliant but also makes him capable of handling his responsibilities. This also keeps the child clean and parents do not have to spend money to buy diapers and it also gives relief from diseases caused by diapers, so it is very important to give potty training to children. If single fathers want to give potty training to their children, then they have to spend good time with the children and start giving them potty training.

FAQs About potty training

At what age do you usually do potty training?

Experts wish that potty training should be started for children between 18 to 25 months because this is the best age for the child, but some parents should train children after 3 years because every child has different thinking and understanding ability. It depends on the child’s ability to learn how quickly he can learn potty training.

What is the 3-day potty method?

This is a method in which the child completely stops depending on diapers because he completes potty training in just 3 days. The purpose of this method is to give potty training to the child.

What is the most successful potty training method?

The most successful potty training is the 3-Day Potty Training Method. The 3-Day Potty Training Method was started by an author and parenting expert named Lora Jensen. Who published her book “3-Day Potty Training” in 2004 in which she has fully explained the 3-Day Potty Training method.

What is a good potty schedule?

Ask the child to potty as soon as he wakes up in the morning and ask him to potty at night before sleeping so that the child gets used to it and he will start understanding his responsibility.

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